*Please read this page entirely before scrolling to the bottom to complete the form and begin the process.
Content Editing
Also called substantive and line editing. Editor works directly with the manuscript.
Includes a manuscript evaluation page that covers plot, characterization, setting, pacing and point of view. Focuses mainly on clarity, consistency and appropriateness for genre but also includes notes on issues with point of view breaks and presentation of content. When necessary, suggests rewrites at any level needed to assure smooth, cohesive story structure.
Copy Editing
Editor works directly with manuscript
Provides fact checking as needed and focuses on mechanical issues including word usage, punctuation, grammar, spelling and syntax. Careful attention is paid to maintaining voice and original meaning throughout. We use Chicago Manual of Style to assure consistency in format and style.
Developmental Editing
Editor works directly with synopsis or manuscript, often prior to completion
This style is usually completed before the manuscript is fully written and assists with manuscript structure, content, and organization. Developmental editing is generally most useful in non-fiction works and does not include content or copy editing.
Terminology varies and these definitions are intended to let you know what to expect from our services only. They are meant to help you think about the kind of editing your manuscript might need and give you an idea of which type will best serve you in achieving your vision for your work.
Content Editing: $3.25 page/ $50.00 minimum
Copy Editing: $3.25 page/ $50.00 minimum
Developmental Editing: $30.00 pr. hour/ $30.00 minimum ($15.00 deposit to begin)
Combined editing (both Copy and Content edit): $6.00 per page, $90.00 minimum
* The industry standard is 250 words per page, and BRP adheres to this regardless of formatting or other considerations. At Brass Rag Press, 250 words constitute a page.
*All invoices include a processing fee of 3% of the total fee. Because Paypal does not offer a “processing” designation, this shows up as a shipping fee on your invoice.
Due to the time sensitive nature of our business, we hold meeting deadlines as a high priority. There are a limited number of editing slots available each month. In the interest of fairness, all work is scheduled on a first come, first served basis. A job is tentatively scheduled (penciled in) when the contract is signed and returned. We confirm your time when the deposit is paid. Therefore, it is important to complete the contracting process in a timely manner, so that scheduling may proceed smoothly and without delays.
Submission Guidelines:
Word documents only
1″ margins
12 point font
Times New Roman or Cambria is suggested. Fancy or difficult fonts are not accepted.
1.5 line spacing is preferred
How we work:
- Using the form below, you send us a page and word count; we send you an estimated cost, completion date and the name of your editor.
- If both parties are agreed on the above terms, you send us the file. Based on the word count in the file, we develop a contract and send it for you to read, sign and return.
- When the signed contract is returned, and based on the final word count taken directly from the manuscript, we invoice you for 50% of the final cost (except developmental editing which requires a $15.00 deposit regardless of the estimated total). Scheduling is finalized and work can begin when we recieve your deposit.
- When editing is completed, we send you an invoice for the balance due, and a sample page if requested.
- When the final payment is received, we send you either:
- Content Edit: A marked copy of the manuscript and an evaluation report. The marked copy shows all suggested changes for you to accept or reject on a case by case basis. The mark up is done under the review tab in Word. The Evaluation report is a “big picture” overview with suggestions that go beyond single instances and address the manuscript (plot, characterization, setting, backstory, etc.) as a whole.
- Copy Edit: A marked copy showing all edits. It is the author’s choice to accept or reject these changes.
- Combined Edit: A marked copy together with an evaluation report.
- Developmental edit: An evaluation report with suggested changes, additions and other adjustments
Important information:
- Manuscripts are scheduled as they come to us and the start date on your manuscript will determine the projected completion date. The completion date is calculated based on the date work can begin rather than on date we receive the file. Completion dates depend on current workload and manuscript length, among other things.
- We accept all genres.
- To inquire about booking editing services with us, please fill out the form below.
- Please note: spam and other inquiries not related to our services will be deleted without response.
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